Selected Publications

27. How Multilayered Feathers Enhance Underwater Superhydrophobicity
S. F. Ahmadi, V. Umashnkar, Z. Dean, B. Chang, S. Jung & J. B. Boreyko​ (2021).

26. Electrostatic Jumping of Frost
R. Mukherjee, S. F. Ahmadi, H. Zhang, R. Qiao & J. B. Boreyko (2021).

25. Chapter 6: Defrosting Properties of Structured Surfaces
S. F. Ahmadi & J. B. Boreyko (2020).
Ice Adhesion: Mechanism, Measurement, and Mitigation, pp. 161-186, Wiley-Scrivener.

24. Chapter 4: Condensation Frosting
S. F. Ahmadi & J. B. Boreyko (2020).
Ice Adhesion: Mechanism, Measurement, and Mitigation, pp. 111-134, Wiley-Scrivener.

23. Suppressing Condensation Frosting Using an Out-of-Plane Dry Zone
S. F. Ahmadi*, C. A. Spohn*, S. Nath & J. B. Boreyko (2020). (*Equal contribution)

22. How Ice Bridges the Gap
S. Nath, S. F. Ahmadi, & J. B. Boreyko (2020).

21. Passive Anti-Frosting Cables
L. H. De Koninck, S. F. Ahmadi, & J. B. Boreyko (2020).
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 146, 118808.

20. ‘Sneezing’ Plants: Pathogen Transport via Jumping- Droplet Condensation
S. Nath*, S. F. Ahmadi*, H. A. Gruszewski, S. Budhiraja , C. E. Bisbano , S. Jung , D. G. Schmale III & J. B. Boreyko (2019). (*Equal contribution)
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16, 20190243.
Front Cover of Volume 16, Issue 155
Featured in Science News, “‘Sneezing’ plants may spread pathogens to their neighbors”
Research Highlight in Nature: “A plant’s sneeze spreads disease”
Featured in VT News: “‘Sneezing’ plants contribute to disease proliferation”

19. How Soap Bubbles Freeze
S. F. Ahmadi, S. Nath, C. M. Kingett, P. Yue & J. B. Boreyko (2019).
Nature Communications, 10, 2531.
Featured in The New York Times: “Watch Soap Bubbles Turn Into Tiny Snow Globes as They Freeze,” June 18, 2019 (June 25 print edition).
Featured image on the Nature Communications website
Featured in The Verge: “The science behind those viral videos of freezing soap bubbles”
Featured in VTNews: “Bubble of an idea leads to new research on freezing”
Featured in Physics Today: “Bubbles freeze in a swirl of ice crystals”

​18. Ice Wicking
K. E. Witt, S. F. Ahmadi, & J. B. Boreyko (2019).
17. Spatial Control of Condensation and Desublimation Using Ice Nucleating Proteins
J. L. ÓBrien, S. F. Ahmadi, K. C. Failor, C.E. Bisbano, M.D. Mulroe, S. Nath, B.A. Vinatzer & J. B. Boreyko

​16. Passive Anti-frosting Surfaces using Microscopic Ice Patterns,
S.F. Ahmadi, S. Nath, G. J. Iliff, B. R. Srijanto, C. P. Collier, P. Yue, & J. B. Boreyko (2018).
ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 10. 32874–32884.
Most-read article in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces for November 2018.
Featured in NSF News: “World’s first passive anti-frosting surface fights ice with ice”
Featured in ScienceDaily: “World’s first passive anti-frosting surface fights ice with ice”
Featured in VT News: “World’s first passive anti-frosting surface fights ice with ice”
Featured in Digital Trends: “No More Scraping? Anti-Frosting Advance Could Mark End of Frozen Windshields”
Featured in The Roanoke Stars: “VT Research Develops World?s First Passive Anti-frosting Surface”
Featured in Daily Mail: “Say goodbye to scraping ice off your windscreen! Frost resistant material keeps surfaces 90 percent clear without any chemicals”
Featured in The Times of London: “Scientists give frost the cold shoulder”

15. Discussion of: Rocking Vibration of a Rigid Disc Embedded in Any Depth of a Coupled Seawater-Visco-Poro-Elastic Seabed Half-Space by R. He [Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 85 (2016) 130-133],”
S.F. Ahmadi, P. Samea, & M. Eskandari (2018).

14. Latent Heat of Traffic Moving from Rest
S. F. Ahmadi, A. Berrier, W. Doty, P. Greer, M. Habibi, H. Morgan, J. Waterman, N. Abaid, & J.B. Boreyko (2017).
New Journal of Physics, 19, 113034.
#1 most-read article in New Journal of Physics for December 2017.
Featured in Science: “Tailgating won’t get you through that intersection any faster”
Featured in WVTF Virginia Public Radio: “Traffic Light Dilemma: How Close Should You Get to the Car in Front of You?”
Featured in “The Thermodynamic Reason You Shouldn’t Tailgate”
Featured in The Roanoke Star: “Virginia Tech Study Contradicts Common Practice of Traffic Light Tailgating”
Featured in WDBJ Channel 7 News: “Research Shows Tailgating at Red Light Doesn’t Get Through Intersections Faster”
Featured in VT News: “Study contradicts common practice of tailgating at traffic lights”

13. Displacement Potentials for Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Solids
P. Samea, M. Eskandari, & S.F. Ahmadi (2017).

12. Tuning Superhydrophobic Nanostructures to Enhance Jumping-Droplet Condensation
M. Mulroe, B. Srijanto, S.F. Ahmadi, C. Patrick Collier, & J.B. Boreyko (2017).
Featured in Newswise: “New Research Could Make Dew Droplets So Small, They’re Invisible”
Featured in ScienceDaily: “Making dew droplets so small, they’re invisible”
Featured in VT News: “New research could make dew droplets so small, they’re invisible”

​11. A Review of Condensation Frosting
S. Nath, S. F. Ahmadi, & J. B. Boreyko (2017).
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 21, 80–101.
10. Axisymmetric Response of a Bi-material Full-Space Reinforced by an Internal Thin Film
S.F. Ahmadi, P. Samea, & M. Eskandari (2016).
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 90, 251–560.

9. Axisymmetric Time-Harmonic Response of a Surface-Stiffened Transversely Isotropic Half-Space
M. Eskandari, P. Samea, & S.F. Ahmadi (2016).

8. Dynamic Analysis of a Rigid Circular Foundation on a Transversely Isotropic Half-space under a Buried Inclined Time-harmonic Load
M. Eskandari, S.F. Ahmadi, & S. Khazaeli (2014).

7. Axisymmetric Circular Indentation of a Half-space Reinforced by a Buried Elastic Thin Film
S.F. Ahmadi, & M. Eskandari (2014).

6. Rocking Rotation of a Rigid Disk Embedded in a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space
S.F. Ahmadi, & M. Eskandari (2014).

5. Boussinesq Indentation of a Transversely Isotropic Half-space Reinforced by a Buried Inextensible Membrane
H.M. Shodja, S.F. Ahmadi, & M. Eskandari (2014).

4. Vibration Analysis of a Rigid Circular Disk Embedded in a Transversely Isotropic Solid
S.F. Ahmadi, & M. Eskandari (2013).

3. Lateral Translation of an Inextensible Circular Membrane Embedded in a Transversely Isotropic Half-space
M. Eskandari, H.M. Shodja, & S.F. Ahmadi (2013).

2. Comments on "Mathematical Analysis for an Axissymmetric Disc-shaped Crack in Transversely Isotropic Half-space, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 68 (2013) 171–179, by Morteza Eskandari-Ghadi, Azizollah Ardeshir,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 75, 156-157".
M. Eskandari & S. F. Ahmadi (2013).
1. Green’s Functions of a Surface-stiffened Transversely Isotropic Half-space
M. Eskandari & S.F. Ahmadi (2012).
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, 3282-3290.